b. sakata garo

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July 4, 2002
Art Pick of the Week

Alexander wouldn't mind
By Jackson Griffith, Sacramento News & Review

Dave Dave "Calder Head", steel, 2002.
Back when my daughter was a little girl, we used to visit Dave Dave when he had a summer gig at the Downtown Plaza, where he maintained the laser that used to cut into the Sacramento night sky. Dave Dave, whose first name is David and whose surname is Davis, is a Midtown sculptor who can coax weird poetry and humor out the such inaminate forms as steel and glass. Some 12 or so of those are on disply at b. sakata garo, along with works by Bluewater Avery and Joe Jackson--the outsider artist, not the White Sox player or the new-wave singer. The show, Introductions 2002--Ceramics, Steel Sculpture & Oil Paintings, is up now, and a Second Saturday reception will be held next weekend, July 13, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. b. sakata garo is located at 923 20th St., it's open Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 6 p.m. Through July 31.